Frequently Asked Questions
What does an Education Consultant Do?
Ingle Education offers an unbiased, bespoke assessment of all the educational paths, fee-paying and State that are available to a family. I map all those options out for you, presenting performance data and sharing the benefit of my expertise, to enable you to make an informed choice on your child's schooling.
What are the Differences between State and Private Schools?
This entirely depends on the school! There are excellent State Funded Schools, and questionable Private offerings too - one size does not fit all and one system isn't automatically 'better or worse' than the other. Ingle Education presents parents with all the information to enable them to make up their own minds.
How do I find the best School in my area?
There are a lot of online resources available to help parents find out their local schooling option, but your best initial go-to is the Schools Admissions page of your Council's website. Here you will find information about both State and Private Schools in your area and their specific admissions criteria (which varies by school).
How close do I have to live to an Outstanding School to get my child in?
Once again, this is school-dependent, but in the case of Community Schools (i.e. with no religious affiliation etc), the closer the better! In the some London boroughs this often means less than 200m. Your local council (or Ingle Education) can provide the stats for the maximum distances that offers for any given school extended to in recent years, but as these distances change year on year, there is never a guarantee of admission based on historical data.
What is Ofsted and What is the ISI
Ofsted is the 'Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills'. They are an impartial and independent organisation that reports directly to parliament. They inspect, regulate and produce reports on all services that care for Children and Young People. Ofsted grades providers from Grade 1 (Outstanding) to Grade 4 (Inadequate) and revisit schools at varying intervals to reassess and reclassify where needed.
The ISI is responsible for the inspection of Independent schools which are in membership of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC). Independent Schools which are not members of the ISC can be assessed by Ofsted or a number of other accredited bodies.
What are the best Private Schools in London?
The 'Best' for one child and one family will not always be the best for your child, and your family. London is fortunate to have a superb selection of some of the finest Private Schools in the UK and choosing between them is something that Ingle Education guides parents through.
When do children in the UK Start Primary School?
Children enter into their first year of formal schooling, or 'Reception' in the September after they turn 4. This means the oldest child in the year will have an early September Birthday and will turn five almost immediately upon starting school, and the youngest child in the year will have a 31st August Birthday the following year and will only turn five almost a year later.
How early do I have to apply for Primary Schools?
For State Schools, applications open one year before entry in September and are open until Mid January. So for example, a child born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 will start reception in September 2025 and applications will be done between September 2024 and January 2025. Offers of places are sent out in April preceding their September start. Registration for Independent Schools is subject to every school's own Admissions Policy, but early registration (sometimes immediately after birth) is often encouraged. Some Independent Schools are selective for entry at Age 4, and therefore Registration is taken, subject to a child's performance in assessment (usually 9-10months before they start).